Barcode vs OCR Scanners: Which is Right for Your Hotel?

Ensuring effective check-in procedures and safeguarding guest data have become increasingly important in today's competitive hotel scene. However, hoteliers must balance cost and functionality when selecting the right technology. 

Enter two popular solutions: barcode scanners and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) scanners. 

Which one should your hotel choose? TTI’s CEO, Steve Blidner, explains.

The Rise of Scanners in Hotels

The demand for guest check-in scanning solutions in hotels began when establishments started facing increased chargebacks. 

Scanners offered a way to securely store guest information, helping resolve chargeback disputes and assisting in unwanted guest situations.

Steve said the initial wave of scanning solutions relied heavily on OCR technology. 

This system reads and extracts all the data from the front of an ID or passport, including the picture, and securely transfers it into the hotel’s property management system (PMS).

OCR scanning is ideal for hotels dealing with guests worldwide, as it recognizes a vast array of international documents.

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OCR: Undeniably Powerful 

It reads documents in real-time, captures detailed data, and is compatible with thousands of documents. 

Although very affordable, the cost of the OCR engine is more expensive than barcode solutions.

Steve notes that while this might be necessary for international guests, domestic travelers, particularly those with U.S. driver’s licenses, might not require the added expense of OCR scanning.

The Barcode Alternative

In response to rising costs, barcode scanning emerged as an alternative.

For hotels primarily dealing with domestic guests, barcode scanning technology is a cost-effective solution. 

It extracts data and image from the barcode on an ID and stores the information in the hotel’s PMS, like OCR. This provides an effective, cost level solution for budget hotels. 

Steve emphasizes that barcode scanning is ideal for hotels serving local guests. “You can get away with this very easily and get the same information,” he explains.

This technology eliminates the need for the more expensive OCR solution while providing accurate data capture and integration with PMS systems.

In addition, the OCR requires a specific camera scanner, as opposed to the barcode solution only needing a flatbed model.

Choosing the Right Solution for Your Hotel

Which scanner is right for your hotel? Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • OCR Scanning - Ideal for hotels that host international travelers or need to scan documents without barcodes. While it adds to operational costs, it’s crucial for comprehensive guest data capture.
  • Barcode Scanning - Perfect for domestic hotels or budget-friendly operations, especially those serving U.S. guests. It’s more affordable and still integrates seamlessly with hotel PMS systems.

The Benefits Beyond Scanning

Both barcode and OCR scanners provide more than just chargeback protection. They help hotels store guest information for security purposes and even aid marketing efforts. 

Hotels can create "do-not-rent" lists and share them among sister properties to identify troublesome guests across multiple locations. 

Additionally, capturing guest data at check-in, whether via barcode or OCR, provides valuable marketing insights, especially in cases where third-party booking platforms (OTAs) don’t provide complete guest information.

Simple Integration, Seamless Process

Steve reassures hotel owners that integrating these systems is straightforward.

Like many other providers, TTI Technologies offers seamless integration with hotel PMS systems

“All the hotel does is place the order, and we ship out the scanner,” he explains. The process is simple, with easy setup and remote support, allowing hotels to start using their scanning solutions with minimal downtime.

To Sum It Up

In the barcode vs OCR debate, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Hotels must consider their guest demographics, budget constraints, and operational needs. While OCR offers extensive data capture capabilities, barcode scanning presents a cost-effective option for domestic-focused hotels. 

Whether you choose OCR, barcode, or both, investing in the right scanning technology can enhance security and guest experience—an investment that will pay off in the long run.

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